Future of Learning Workshop

August 24, 2009

At the RSC SW Summer Conference, myself, Mell Turford and David Sugden presented a workshop, which we entitled the future of learning.

Here is the video of that workshop.

Obviously there are “gaps” in the video when the delegates are doing “stuff” but some of the talky bits are quite good.

RSC SW Summer Conference

June 23, 2009

Despite earlier problems with embedding a Flickr slideshow into a WordPress.com blog, Vodpod appears to have resolved the issue.

Here is a slideshow of photographs I took at the RSC SW Summer Conference.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “RSC SW Conference“, posted with vodpod

Keynoting in the South-West

June 17, 2009

This morning myself and David Sugden delivered the keynote for day two at the JISC Regional Support Centre South West Summer Conference.


Our keynote was entitled, Cultural Confidence.

We used Activexpression, learner response systems, with the audience to allow them to interact with the keynote.

We also used Ustream to stream a video of the presentation, however flaky wireless meant that we kept losing the stream, however I did also record the presentation using my HD video camera.

I will post the video and the slides later, when I have sufficient bandwidth to upload.

Down the road…

June 16, 2009


Over the next two days I am attending the JISC Regional Support Centre South West Summer Conference 2009 which is just down the road for me in Rookery Manor in Somerset, just South of Weston-super-Mare.

I am presenting (with David Sugden) a keynote tomorrow morning and running a workshop later on in the day.

This afternoon I am on an expert panel which will be interesting as I have no idea about what we will be asked!

Today’s keynote is from Derek Law who is going to be running the JISC Services Management company which goes live in August.

Was quite interesting, now onto the workshops.