It’s all about the coffee

So what is it about Twitter?

Is it micro-blogging?

Is it about presence?

Is it about tweeting?

What about the irrelevance of what people are writing?

Recently some blogs have been posting about various e-learning and information professionals to follow on Twitter. I was on one list so this is not about sour grapes over not being on a certain list. I am not entirely sure of the value of these lists. It’s nice to be recognised as an information professional or an e-learning professional, but I have to ask why would I want to follow them? I would guess if they are on twitter then they have blogs which I can read what they are working on and what they think.

Some people have “complained” about irrelevant tweets and I am aware of some who have stopped following others because of their so called shallow and lightweight tweets. These people in my opinion are missing the point about the real value of Twitter. I am sure that they get something from Twitter, but you have to ask the question is Twitter about following people and reading informative Tweets or is it about communication and community?

I use Twitter in various ways, as well as informing my community that I am drinking a coffee, I also let them know about various (what I think are) interesting things I am doing.  I tweet about blog posts I have made. I also use Twitter as a backchannel at events and conferences, finding out what is going on and what I find interesting.

However telling people is only half the story, maybe even as  little as 20% of the  story. The other key thing about Twitter is about communication, responding to other tweets, having a conversation. Responding to what others have written, or acting on what others have written.

For me Twitter is about the irrelevance, it is about the non-useful stuff. If all you ever post is what blog entries you have written, why would I follow you on Twitter, I might as well subscribe to your blog’s  RSS feed.

I want to find out what you’re doing, but I also want to find out the mundane things as well. This makes for a more rounded conversation and community.

For some reason I have a reputation for just tweeting about coffee, which to be honest is not entirely unwarranted.

It’s all about the coffee

However for me Twitter is all about the coffee.

It’s the coffee you drink with colleagues during a break from work, where you discuss work stuff, but also discuss your commute into work, what you saw on TV last night, what bizarre thing you just saw, the weather.

It’s the coffee you drink whilst browsing the web and when you find an interesting web  site and you post the link to your blog, in an e-mail, on your VLE.

It’s the coffee you drink in a coffee shop, where you’re reading the paper, reading a book, chatting.

It’s the coffee you drink in the Library reading a journal, a book, writing stuff.

It’s the coffee you drink with fellow delegates during a break or at lunch at a conference. Where you discuss the keynotes, the presentations, the workshops, where you are going next, your hotel, the food, the coffee, what you do, where you’re going, what gadgets you have in your gadget bag.

Twitter is about these moments, but without the physical and geographical limitations. Twitter also allows people from different institutions, different sectors, different organisations, different departments to share these moments.

When you decide to follow someone, ask yourself could you drink coffee with this person, would they drink coffee with you?

At the end of the day Twitter is all about the coffee.

It’s all about the coffee

Photo source.

16 Responses to It’s all about the coffee

  1. David Sugden says:

    I agree with all of James’s sentiments above.

    For me, working alone in my office, knowing that he (or anyone) is going for a coffee, reminds me that I need/want one too. This is exactly the same as when colleagues in my ex-staffroom would decide it was time for coffee/tea. The apparently irrelevant chat over that coffee (which on Twitter or Jaiku may or may not be as synchronous as real-life) is no different to that over the staff room beverage.

    Seeking only ‘good’ stuff on a micro-blog is to completely miss the point and I’m sure a podcast about this may be on the cards – hopefully to support our postion.

    By posting and reading irrelevant tweets, I get to know (and build trust in) the poster.


  2. ajcann says:

    I think flooding one’s network with excessive tweeting is a problem – I’ve followed several people because of this. I try to be careful about this, but don’t always succeed (during yesterday’s Royal Visit to UoL for example, which I’m sure was quite boring for most people, but my local UoL network was having a fine old time!).
    Personally, I find your coffee-related tweets perfectly acceptable. The coffee-related Seesmic video less so, for some reason (no I haven’t had time for Seesmic for ages either). The decision to follow you is based on the overall value you add to my Twitter network.

  3. Jon Trinder says:

    Twitter is one of those mediums, where you know that you will miss some things but you will pick up useful snippets as well. In many ways similar to listening to (non commercial) radio.
    I fear attempts to corporative it will ultimately limits its usefulness.
    But great for keeping a disparate , geographically distributed set of people together as a group. (like being in a small pre-industrial village, where everyone knows everyone else…wish I could remember where that quote is from!)

  4. James Clay says:

    @ajcann I don’t think flooding is a problem, It is a relative term as if I only follow one person then they will flood my twitter feed, likewise if I follow only a few it doesn’t take much for one or two not to tweet for my twitter feed to be flooded by a third.

    Flooding can be by subject as well as by individuals. Over the last few days Online Educa in Berlin has dominated my Twitter feed, so UoL stuff was lost in that and I didn’t think you and other UoL people were flooding my feed.

    If your Twitter feed is “flooded” as Jon says it doesn’t matter that you miss some stuff, as that would be like coming a little later than the rest of your colleagues to drink your coffee.

  5. Twitter is Great! Most definitely it IS about the coffee!

  6. Paul Walk says:

    Twitter is coffee for the soul!

  7. […] all about the coffee As I once said before I have a reputation for drinking coffee on Twitter. I did find this posting by AJ Cann on his blog very amusing, certainly made my […]

  8. […] have written about Twitter before notably why I think Twitter is an important tool and that the informal chat side is as equally as important as the formal chat. A few people have […]

  9. […] am sure that a lot of these quitter are people who don’t yet “get Twitter“, but I do wonder though how the factors I mentioned earlier this week may be causing the […]

  10. […] of Twitter was quite popular, but I thought my piece on how I think Twitter was all about the coffee was a better […]

  11. […] who reads my e-Learning Stuff blog will know that I believe that Twitter is all about the coffee and the conversation. Yes there is […]

  12. […] believe that Twitter is not about information and links but is all about the coffee. However many don’t want the coffee chat and therefore my model is not what they […]

  13. […] It’s all about the coffee […]

  14. Alison Lones says:


    It is about the coffee. And for those of us to lazy to keep onto of blogs a way of catching the ‘golden nuggets’

  15. […] For some unknown and arcane reason (well some comments I made on Twitter I believe) it has come to pass that across the e-learning world (and beyond) that I am a coffee addict. […]

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